• Exercise: New functional training craze takes off in the Bay

Exercise: New functional training craze takes off in the Bay

F45 has hit New Zealand’s shores.

The Australian phenomena that claims to have trained more than a million people and has developed a ‘cult’ status among its devotees, is getting the thumbs up from one of Hawke’s Bay’s life-long fitness enthusiasts.

Rachel Durston, operator of ASN Advance Sports Nutrition based in Hastings, went along to see for herself what all the fuss was about.

“I heard talk of F45 coming to Hastings back in June 2018. There is also one in Napier now. I was keen to see what it was like, so I signed up for an eight-week challenge,” she says.

F stands for ‘functional’ and 45 is the duration of time (45 minutes) for one exercise session.

Functional training targets muscle groups that are used in everyday activities from carrying your groceries, sitting to standing, to gardening. F45 training combines many muscle groups and joints, which ultimately makes you stronger in your daily life.

Rachel says, “Many of the exercises mimic what we all do every day. Movements such as lifting, squatting, pulling, pushing, kicking etc, feature in the classes. The sessions combine elements of high intensity training and cardio, as well as strength and resistance training. F45 is a great work out for burning fat and building muscle and muscle tone”.

Rachel has never really been a ‘gym bunny’. And, like so many New Zealander’s she found it difficult to muster up the motivation to keep going.

“I never really liked the gym; I would sign up and go for a while, but I always found it a bit intimidating and I never really felt confident in what I was doing. But F45 is very different from the usual gym model,” she says.

One of F45’s claims to fame is its ability to hang on to clients. In a recent interview F45 founder Rob Deutsch, believed this was down to the ‘cult-like environment’ which makes clients want to come back. He claimed this ‘sense of community’ is the winning formula. Earning Deutsch, a whopping $US30 million in company profits in the last financial year, this formula warrants a ‘high five’!

Despite Rachel having to get up at 5.30 am to make her morning classes, she found herself readily hooked.

“What I really loved about the Challenge was the people! The classes were full on and hard work, but we came out pumped! There was a real sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. There were some major life-changes happening before my eyes. Once you started the challenge you didn’t want to stop!” she says.

F45 incorporates simplicity, with technology.

Rachel explains, “We all sign up to an app. Through this app we book our classes. Classes have different names that describe the movements used in the session. For example, ‘Brooklyn’ will incorporate boxing movements. ‘Hollywood’ is a popular session as a DJ spins tunes while you’re working out!”

She continues, “Technology is used throughout the gym. TV screens show you what to do and count you down. You can also align your smart technology using Bluetooth to keep track of your heart rate. It’s like having a personal trainer right beside you”.

Accompanying the training sessions, clients who struggle with their diet are offered nutritional advice and support. For some, this means a complete life-change.

“You can sign up to the ‘nutritional’ challenge’ People get detailed advice and support around what to eat throughout the challenge. We are lucky here in Hastings as MLYK has come on-board and are providing the challenge meals. Some of the clients on my challenge had never heard of certain foods, let alone knew how to cook them! It was a real game-changer”.

Rachel and Ryan Tongia own and operate F45 on Karamu Road in Hastings. They have endeavoured to bring as many local businesses into the ‘F45 fold’ as they can.

Rachel offers nutritional supplement advice to those who need it and is encouraged by the up-take.

“It was great doing the challenge. Not only did I feel healthier, but it helped me understand the needs of my clients better. Through F45 I am developing a new client base. Many of these ‘newbies’ wouldn’t have set foot in my shop before! They were scared off by the stereotype bodybuilder image that often comes with nutritional training supplements. I am hugely grateful to Rachel and Ryan for this,” she says.

The eight-week challenge runs four times a year. Each challenge starts with a two-week detox and a body scan that records your weight, body fat, muscle mass, body water, and visceral fat. You are re-scanned at the end of the challenge to see your progress.  

Rachel advises, “It is very important you are honest with the instructors at this point. You need to tell them about past injuries, eating habits and so forth. Rachel and Ryan are very encouraging and supportive. I think this has a lot to do with the success of F45 and keeps people coming back”. 

F45 has all the elements of a success story. It taps into the basic needs of most human beings. Friendship, support, feeling good, looking good, routine, a small measure of competition and rewards.

If you enjoy group-based exercise and have struggled to remain motivated in the past, F45 is well worth a look. Of-course it’s not for everyone, but it’s certainly leaving a solid impression.

For more information call Rachel Tongia on 0224204961 or email hastingsnz@f45training.co.nz.