• Pick of the Dahlias

Pick of the Dahlias

Tamatea Intermediate School Hall played host to a display of radiant blooms accompanied by their passionate, expert growers.

Some of the blooms were so flawless in their form, a newbie to Dahlias would be forgiven in thinking "Are these for real?”.
Yes. They are very real. The 2019 Dahlia and Flower Show was inspiring. Elite examples of pompon, cactus, semi cactus, fimbriated and many more, were on show as the Dahlia flowering season hits it peak.

Certificate of Merit, Annabelle Martin Small decorative.

The extraordinary blooms of the Dahlia - native to Mexico - will light up any garden. Their hardy nature, vigorous growth habit, and extended flowering season makes them perfect for the reluctant gardener looking for an easy ‘wow’ factor. The variety of cultivars, extending from micro species to the giant blooms, also make Dahlias an ideal plant for the enthusiast or purist grower, seeking something special.
The art of growing ‘show Dahlias’ is no fools game. Bringing a bloom to competition standard takes time and patience. The grower needs a sturdy knowledge base and a keen eye.

First Place Class E Loretta Nelson.

Size of bloom in relation to stem, sets of leaves, bloom colour, shape and condition, stem strength and the angle at which the bloom sits, are all judging criteria. The competition among dedicated growers is as fierce as any high-profile sporting event.
But don’t let this put you off.
The Hawke’s Bay Dahlia Circle are a friendly and encouraging group. They are keen to receive new growers into the circle. With many classes in which to enter, the novice Dahlia grower, new to the scene of competing, will easily find a suitable class for his or her level.
Enough said. These stunning flowers talk for themselves.

Third Place Class A Annabella Martin.

Framed Dahlia Class.

Micro Singles. First place Class 66.

Class 4 Large Cactus.

Class 20 Small Ball.

Class 1 Giant Decorative second place.

Class 10 Medium Fimbriated.