• Hawke’s Bay reaches 90 per cent fully vaccinated on New Year’s Eve

Hawke’s Bay reaches 90 per cent fully vaccinated on New Year’s Eve

Hawke’s Bay people can enjoy New Year’s Eve knowing the region is better protected against Covid-19 with 90 per cent of the eligible population now fully vaccinated.

Hawke’s Bay DHB Covid-19 Vaccination Senior Responsible Officer Chris Mckenna said today the DHB’s enrolled population figures had clocked over to the 90 per cent fully vaccinated milestone this morning, just in time for New Year’s Eve celebrations.

“Hawke’s Bay should be proud to reach the 90 per cent milestone as it was team effort by so many.

“People can enjoy New Year’s with their friends and whānau knowing they are better protected, and our community is in a better position, now we’re 90 per cent fully vaccinated.

Mrs McKenna said more than 130,000 people in Hawke’ Bay had rolled up their sleeves to get vaccinated this year with a strong turnout at clinics over recent days.

“The turnout has been amazing but the vaccine rollout has not been possible without a large dedicated workforce both in the clinical and non-clinical space working so hard behind the scenes and within vaccine clinics to make this happen.

“The DHB together with community health providers, iwi, councils and leaders have worked hard together to reach people, no matter where they live.

“The mahi doesn’t stop just yet as we work hard to also reach a 90 per cent fully vaccinated Māori population which is a personal DHB target, as well as rolling out the boosters and vaccinations for the 5 to 11 year age group early next year.”

Mrs McKenna encouraged anyone not yet vaccinated, due for their second dose or booster vaccine to get it done as soon as possible.

“Yesterday a positive case of Covid-19 was detected in Napier. It is a reminder to everyone that we need to remain vigilant by wearing masks, scanning in and getting tested if feeling unwell. It’s also a timely reminder that getting vaccinated is the best way for Hawke’s Bay people to protect themselves from Covid-19.

“Fully vaccinated people are less likely to get sick with the virus, less likely to pass it on and are much less likely to get seriously ill or require hospital care.”

There will be vaccination clinics open during the holiday break and people can find all the details for these at www.hbcovidvaccine.nz.
