• Two youths arrested for unlawfully taking "significant" number of Mazda motor vehicles

Two youths arrested for unlawfully taking "significant" number of Mazda motor vehicles

Hawke's Bay police have arrested two youths responsible for a "significant" number of unlawful takings of Mazda motor vehicles. 

In a statement to Hawke's Bay App, police confirmed two youths were arrested yesterday and both are being dealt with by Youth Aid. 

Senior Sergeant Neale Saunders, Area Manager - Response, said the significant number of unlawful takings are part of a recent spike in Hastings where Mazda Demios in particular are being targeted.

"Most are taken and used in joy rides before they are abandoned," Senior Sergeant Saunders said.

"The best deterrent is an alarm or steering lock and parking your vehicle off the road and if possible out of sight." While Mazda motor vehicles are being targeted, police say no matter what kind of vehicle, it is important to reduce the likelihood of someone being able to unlawfully take it. 

Things that you can do to help reduce this kind of offending include locking and securing your vehicle every time you leave it, even if you’re not far away, never leave your keys in the ignition – even if you’re just hopping out for a minute and whenever possible, park in well lit, high traffic areas.

"Any extra steps you can take, such as a steering wheel lock or a small flashing light to mimic an immobiliser, will help deter thieves." 
