• Women's Centre helps with lockdown blues

Women's Centre helps with lockdown blues

While the doors to the Heretaunga Women’s Centre remain firmly shut during Alert Levels 3 and 4, it does not mean the women of Hawke's Bay are going unsupported.

Centre Manager, Amanda Meynell said the restrictions can cause increased stress on families and whānau in the community, and for others, it can be a very isolating experience. 

"Our team have been keeping in contact by phone with women in the Hawke’s Bay community who regularly use the Centre services to lend a friendly ear and provide support. We have also been providing counselling by phone and online platforms, as well as offering urgent counselling appointments for women needing immediate emotional support”.

They have also moved some of their in-centre activities online and are providing several different wellbeing focussed activities on Zoom for women in the community, such as mindfulness, yoga, women’s health classes, and support around managing anxieties.

Centre Counsellor Jenny Whitehead says she has had several requests for emergency appointments and has been able to respond remotely and help women over the lockdown period.

“I don’t believe we will see the full extent of the need until we get to Level 2 and school goes back. As always, women will defer their need to take care of themselves, and take care of others and children first." 

She says the centre will continue support, advice, counselling, activities and urgent counselling available all through the lockdown period, during work hours. Call 020 4085 6695 or email admin@hwc.nz for more information or to register for activities
