• Mayor welcomes further three waters information

Mayor welcomes further three waters information

Napier Mayor Kirsten Wise welcomes the further information provided today on the Government’s Three Waters Reform agenda, including an overview of the four new water entities and their geographical boundaries.

“Now that we know the proposed boundary for Napier’s water entity, what is most important to me is having the assurance that Napier would have a voice on our water entity’s governing board,” says Mayor Wise.

“I am supportive of the co-design approach with mana whenua, and look forward to meeting with local mana whenua to discuss their views of the latest information we have received. But there are still many unknowns about the Government’s proposals including how effective the protection against privatisation will be. Until there is further clarity I am not prepared to put my support behind either remaining in the new water entity or opting out. We will seek the views of our community before any decision is made.”

Mayor Wise would also like to have assurance from the Government that Napier City Council will not be financially disadvantaged by remaining in the new water entity.

“We have low debt compared to many local authorities around the country. I would be hesitant to support any change to our three waters arrangements if that disadvantages Napier.”

Council is now working through the data provided to see what it could mean for Napier.

“We have told our community that we are focused on working on our water infrastructure for the next ten years. The work outlined in our Long Term Plan, which Council adopted today, clearly demonstrates this, with $400 million in capital costs for three waters from 2021 to 2031,” says Mayor Wise.
